SYMBOLS Stories of cultural life.

BOOKS (in pile)

Within our cemeteries, it is common to find among different symbols objects that may reflect either the profession of the buried person, or act as a reference to theiraffiliations or membership (i.e. Freemasonry). They may also represent their hobbies, leisure or fields of interest.  

In the case of books, and in particular books that are presented in piles, apart from the association with an author, they may symbolise knowledge in general, and the academic or scientific life in particular.  

A book represented on its own is a common symbol for the Word of God: A book usually depicts the Bible, believed by Christians to be the symbol of the Eternal Word of God. The Bible, often represented accompanied by hands, is the most common symbol found in eighteenth and nineteenth century cemeteries.  

A Bible found on a grave is usually a mark of religious faith.

BOOKS in pile
books pile

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