SYMBOLS Stories of cultural life.

The Memorial field for ash scattering

Space composition

The space intended for ash scattering of the cremated deceased was arranged in 2017, designed as a square of three hexagonal fields that make up the whole. In the central part is the four-sided truncated pyramid that symbolizes an interruption of life. There is an inscription on it that says "May they rest in eternity". In front of the pyramid, there is a space for lighting lanterns.


The field for ash scattering is covered with fertile soil, trees and lavender. All existing horticulture dominated by timeless pine trees, together with benches, make an oasis for rest and meditation.

Ash scattering

The Memorial field is designed as a space for symbolic farewell of the deceased person. It`s for families who do not want to farewell the deceased in the usual way, but scatter the ashes in the field where it remains forever. 

Investor and authors

Investor: KD Kozala d.o.o. Rijeka

Project: Prag d.o.o. Rijeka

Author: Damir Emili, ing.,

Authorized Architect: Boris Komadina, B.Sc. ing arh.

ash scattering
memorial field

Other points at Drenova Cemetery

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